3D Animation

Okka TN Final Project

This is my final project for ATEC 4337 - Computer Animation, in Fall 2007. I did it all with keyframe animation in Maya 8.0, and used Adobe After Effects to put it together.

Twits TN Group Project

This is a group project I did with Stephanie Te and Darmini Kara. I did the two purple characters' animation using keyframe animation in Maya 8.0. I used Adobe After Effects to put it together.

skip Cycle TNWalk Cycle - skipping

A variation on the walk cycle - a slight skip to each step. Keyframe animation done in Maya 8.0.

2D Animation
All of these animations were drawn by hand, and then put together using Flipbook.

flour TN Flour Sack

This animation was to show the principles of squash and stretch, as applied to a sack of flour. My flour sack sees the sugar bag in the corner, and falls instantly in love.

Clyde TN Clyde the cat

This was for our final project, a walk cycle and facial animation. The voice is courtesy of my dad. The signs Clyde passes say: Caution.... Beware of.... Lucky.

Turtle TN Turtle Morph

For this animation, we were supposed to turn one object into another, using the timing in music of ourchoosing. The music I chose is called 'beautiful', which I downloaded from a free .wav site.

Visual Effects
Video opens in Quicktime. From ATEC 4370 - Special Effects. Spring 08. Everything was done using Houdini 9.0 or 9.1.

jello Jell-o Logo

The project was to do a logo. The 3 planes were given, and we had to use them as well as the text logo. This was my final version.